I yearned for the bright blues, yellows and reds of a beach holiday, but just watching the world go by had never really been Neil's bag. 我强烈地向往着海滩假日中明亮的湛蓝色、金黄色和红色,可是就只是这样静静地欣赏周围的一切,可不是尼尔的兴趣所在。
You may find that when people understand the dangers of excessively using plastic, and what it is doing to our environment, they may go on the30 day plastic bag diet themselves! 你会发现,当人们了解到过度使用塑料袋的弊端及其对环境造成的危害时,他们会自觉地加入到30天塑料袋“节食”计划中来。
Before you go to bed, get your gym bag put together and set it right at the door. 在你上床睡觉之前,把健身包摆在一起,并放在门口。
Just go ahead and put it in the bag. I'm all set. 直接过去放在包里,全搞定。
Go with fashion and beauty, the bag of ME'LANDERS. 兰蝶氏帆布女包,携手时尚与美丽。
I hope you got shoes to go with that bag. 我希望你能找到和那只包相配的鞋子。
And I said at that point, you need to go slower and you need to go softer or you're going to pull my urostomy bag off. 那时我说,你要慢一下,轻一点,否则你会将我的尿袋盖子拔下来的。
After having spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty Bag. 我常常整整一上午都呆在河边,回家时空着手。
What do you say we go give Santa his bag back. 我们该把包还给圣诞老人。
I can't let it go that bag is very invaluable to me. 我不能不管,那袋子对我是无价的。
No more books will go into the bag. 袋里装不下更多的书了。
"Now I'll give you the flour," said the farmer." Go home and fetch your bag and come to my mill. " “现在我就给你面粉,”富农说,“回家取袋子到我的磨房来吧。”
A mechine squeeze them into a big block, the worker put plastic bag on the mechine and then a big cheese block comes out and go into the bag. 一台机器将奶酪压缩为一个大块儿,工人将塑料袋套在机器上,然后大块儿奶酪出来之后就进入塑料袋子了。
Go down and get the bag out of my car. 下去从我车里拿医药箱来。
People never think to go for the bag. 人们从不会想到去扯开袋子。
One night while getting ready to go onstage, Dana was frantically searching through his contact bag. 一天晚上,在为登台准备,Dana正慌忙地搜着他的隐形眼睛包。
You can go home in a plastic bag tonight, john. 今天你可以裹在塑料袋里回家,约翰。
She refused to let go of her bag and kicked her attackers several times. 她抓住包不松手,还踢了袭击她的人几脚。
Right, the clothes go into a bin bag. 对,衣服扔进垃圾袋。
I always go home with an empty bag. 然后空着袋子回家。
And then the loaf go into commerical bag. 然后奶酪进入包装袋子。
Anyhow I want to go over the details with you in person, burton padded snowboard bag, so you can give my suggestion thorough consideration. 我想亲自同你谈谈细节问题,这样你可以好好考虑我的建议。
I'll go with Lin Tao to move the bag of rice out of the road. 我与林涛一起去把马路上的米袋子挪开。
I had to go back and get my bag because I left it in class. 我必须回去拿包包,因为我把它留在课堂了。
You go home on the bus with a loud bag full of fake designer stuff. 你带着一大堆假名牌坐巴士回家。
The boots will not go into the bag. 靴子装不进袋里去。
I'll go and move away the bag of rice with Lin tao. 我去和林涛一起把那袋米搬开。
I can be wearing underwear and slippers to go out and still have a Balenciaga bag. 我可以穿着内裤和拖鞋出去仍然有巴黎世家袋。
I didn't go to the lake, but why my medicine bag was in the lake? 我没去过湖,为什么我的包在湖里呢?
I want you to go in that bag and find my wallet. 我要你从袋子里把我的钱包找出来。